The Future of Video Games

Ultimately, when it comes to the future of video games, this is the most important thing to remember: While the future may bring about numerous, far-reaching changes, the core concepts behind video games will likely remain the same. Games are going to bring people together. Games are going to provide individuals with the interactive escapism they require. Finally, games are going to continue to be fun.

However, even when you keep in mind all three of these things, there is still a great deal about the future of video games that is worth keeping in mind. While predicting the future with complete accuracy is naturally impossible, there are still a number of possibilities that are worth exploring.

What Can We Expect From The Future Of Video Games?

Some believe that video games will continue to look for ways to take on the film industry. Others believe that the ongoing development of video games will more closely resemble art, with a number of reinterpretations guiding the way. However, others will still make the argument that in terms of the future of video games, TV is much more apt comparison. Consider the golden age of television that we currently live in. There are literally programming possibilities for every taste imaginable. A dozen trends are rising and falling simultaneously. New ideas are emerging all the time. Television has always had the ability to enjoy a more complex, multifaceted approach to evolution, than virtually any other creative medium imaginable. The same thought can certainly be applied to video games.

This is one thought on the future of games and gaming. Just keep in mind that it is not the only thought by a long shot.

A Look at the Future of Video Games

What does the future really hold for video games? There are a number of possibilities and trends that you can explore:

  • Parents are going to become significant gaming advocates: Parents playing games with their kids is hardly a new concept. However, as time goes on, you’re going to see that concept become even more elaborate. The young parents of today were the gamers of yesterday. They were the first generation to truly live a life that has never not included video games. This is a love and advocacy that is certainly being passed on to their children.
  • The sandboxes are just going to get bigger and bigger: Take a look at some of the hottest open-world games right now. The initial releases are large enough, but then you throw in the downloadable maps and other pieces of content that are made available over time. The end result is quite simply astonishing. In terms of games like The Witcher or Grand Theft Auto, we’re already talking about worlds that seem as though they can go on forever. Expect this trend to continue. Expect the sandboxes to only get bigger and bigger.
  • Games are going to be conceived to tackle multiple avenues simultaneously: Cross-platform distribution is not a new invention either. We understand that for the past couple of decades, it is not unreasonable to see games released on multiple platforms. You can expect this concept to become even more complex, as time goes on. Angry Birds is a great example of this notion. You’re going to see games released for hardcore players that are going to be more than just singular titles. You’re going to see the games released in conjunction with other media variations, such as movies, TV shows, or anything else along those lines. Developers are going to look to create games that impact the life of the player on a variety of levels.    
  • Games are going to reach out to more people: Studies are now indicating that more girls are playing games now than ever before. Expect to see more content created accordingly, particularly since gaming is now becoming such a complex, multi-device concept. Furthermore, you should also expect to see games developed for older players, as the 30-to-40-year-old gamers of today hit middle age and beyond.
  • What about virtual/augmented reality? Virtual reality is coming, perhaps sooner, rather than later.

The Future Is Going To Be Amazing

Without question, the future of video games is going to be amazing. What do you think the future is going to bring?